Digital Transformation is Not One Dimensional
September 25, 2012
September 25, 2012
Digital publishing is a fact of life these days. Inevitably, to compete, you must step into the digital world and keep moving. But, recent statistics serve as a good reminder that diversifying your revenue stream is a key strategy in making that transition—if you don’t, well, you could find yourself up that creek, without a paddle.
Rob O'Regan recently spoke to a glaring reminder: “digital revenues are not growing fast enough to compensate for print advertising losses. In fact, the gap is getting wider.” He then goes onto cite the unfavorable changing ratio of print advertising losses to digital advertising gains. That is why publishers are looking to “broader revenue models.”
We’ve talked about the value of diversifying your revenue model in many ways—but the current data demonstrates, even more significantly, how important it is. Sometimes, it’s good to step back and evaluate what we already know. Here’s a high-level checklist to keep you on track: