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New Module Automates Returns for Single Copy Sales


New Module Automates Returns for Single Copy Sales

February 3, 2021

New Multipub functionality makes single copy sales returns more efficient. Instead of accessing individual accounts to mark returns, our platform allows users to manage them from a single screen.

With this development, Multipub clients can determine how they’d like to process their returns. There are two different ways that returns can be entered:

  1. Returns can be entered from Inquiry by entering the returns received for a specific subscriber.
  2. Or, they can be entered via the Returns Menu option on the Daily Menu screen. This enables users to enter all returns for a product/issue date or product/multiple issues.

In summary, you may process returns for individual subscribers OR for all subscribers for an issue, whichever method you choose.

How the Returns Menu Works

From the Returns Menu, you will see a grid filled with the issues served. Here, a data entry operator can quickly enter the returns that apply simply by updating the “Returns” column shown below.

multipub returns module

Then, the system will use that new data to automatically create the transactions and record the adjustments and all financial entries. The number of returns can be adjusted at any time, and the platform will record the updated entries as well. All these changes happen behind the scenes without any additional steps from your team.

Automatic Renewals & Single Copy Sales

When managing single copy sales, Multipub provides automation tools to simplify orders. For example, clients can create automatic renewals for subscribers that vary in number by day and location. Each order is set up as an automatic renewal, running for a pre-determined period of time – typically either weekly or monthly. Those order attributes can then be copied and applied to days in the future. This was designed to support newsstands, hotels and retail outlets that often vary the quantity of newspapers needed by day.

On-Site Returns with Single Copy Sales

To help carriers track deliveries, our single copy sales module can generate statements. Each one lists every single order made by date and location. It also includes the balance forward from the previous period, the number of sales, the number of returns, and the net amount due – by issue date -- all in one place.

single copy carrier statements