Continuum Feature Spotlight
October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022
Today, we’re excited to spotlight two, key features. One supports your internal team, helping them to navigate customer service challenges. The second was designed to support your sales efforts.
The first is “Impersonate a User.” To save time, User Admins can login to the website as a user with our one-click access. This is a great customer service troubleshooting tool. Use it to make purchases, renew subscriptions, and update profile information. Discover how you can use it here.
We’ve also streamlined our shopping cart to make purchasing smoother for your customers. Now, your audience can complete a purchase in as few as three, easy steps. After adding products to the cart, users will see the Billing and Credit Card information are listed together now on the last page. It can also automatically apply sales tax after a user enters his or her billing information. You’ll find that Event Attendee information is listed on this page as well.