Why PCI Compliance is Worth More than its Weight in Gold
Cybersecurity is a big deal, and getting bigger. So, let’s talk about PCI compliance.
5 Qualities That Make a Good Reader Experience
Without a good reader experience, we don’t have readers to build relationships with.
Is this Ello or Goodbye?
As a publisher, it’s now part of your job to know about the latest social media networks. That doesn’t mean you need t
The True Meaning of Social Media Engagement
We know, it’s likely that you’d rather read about the true meaning of life, but that might be a little out of our realm, so let’s talk about engagement<
Ready to Try Infographics? 6 Steps To Get You Started
Infographics are a symptom of how readers need to communicate in our digital world—two minutes on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram will likely prove that point. But, it&
10 Steps to Monetizing Your BtoB Blog
You know the power of a blog to build traffic, boost engagement and drive revenue, but are you reaping the rewards?
Will Digital Publishers Go Website-Free?
Whoa. The thought probably makes you feel . . . naked. It’s an interesting idea, but is it realistic? Yes and no.
Time Inc.: Lessons in Digital Transformation
Let's take a look at how the nation’s biggest magazine publisher is coping with the inevitable changes to the industry and what strategies they are pursuing to main
BtoB Humor: 5 Ways to Make It Work
How many senior editors does it take to change a lightbulb?
Social Media is a Wild Animal. Don’t Let that Scare You.
Social media is the wolverine we’ve invited into our home. We don’t know why we invited it in, but there is something powerful and compelling about it.
Why Integrations Mean Better Relationships and Four Tips for Getting There
Publishing content is no longer just about the content. It’s about building relationships across multiple channels and countless formats.
Reader Engagement: 4 Tactics That Give You More
Let’s face it: measuring what your readers are doing is not an exact science . . . yet.
12% Traffic Growth: Why You Should Give Infographics a Try
It’s possible, now more than ever, that Infographics will improve your content marketing AND editorial content. Make sure you're doing it right before jumping
What Does Individualized Publishing Really Mean?
As the industry travels further and further in the direction of individualization it's clear that it isn’t just about employing demographic and behavioral data. It&
Reader Content Preferences + Taxonomy = Better Individualization
We know that targeted ads are producing impressive results for BtoC and some BtoB companies. But as a publisher, what’s the winning formula?
Six Steps to Bridging Your Data Gaps
You know that you’re supposed have data to create contextually-driven content and advertising. You know that data helps you serve your audience more effectively. Do you
Publishing Finesse: The Art of Re-Targeting
Re-Targeting is more than serving up the same ad, over and over . . .
Targeted Ads: Is the Hype for Real?
We talk a lot about individualization—whether in the context of marketing our own content or paid advertising. It makes a lot of sense, but sometimes it’s hard to
Video: 11 Ways to Tear a Page from Buzzfeed's Playbook, continued . . .
We’ve been talking about how BtoB Publishers can apply Buzzfeed’s techniques to a video strategy.
Video: 11 Ways to Tear a Page from Buzzfeed's Playbook
We get it, video can be a really daunting endeavor for BtoB publishers, but it’s also a necessity in any digital-first content marketing strategy.
The BtoB Publisher’s Checklist for Facebook Engagement
We’re going to guess that Facebook is one of your primary targets for social sharing (yes, for BtoB, too) because recent numbers suggest that Facebook should be pa
Two Steps to an Engaging Social Media Strategy
How can BtoB Publishers put The New York Times' lessons in social media to work?
Audience Behavior, in Focus: What Millennials and Moms Are Doing
We've talked recently about current trends in audience behavior. General trends provide valuable insights for your content marketing approach—but it’s also he
Why Web Content Management Isn’t What It Used to Be
You probably remember when you first heard of web content management (WCM). That was back when publishing online was driven by a print strategy. Really, that was before d
How Publishers Can Leverage Current Trends in Audience Behavior
With all the focus on audience behavior in online media, it’s exciting to consider that we have a variety of tools at our fingertips for learning more about how p
Thinking Digital: What the NY Times Innovation Report Tells Us, Part II
The NY Times digital innovation report tells us that learning how to think digital is the key to success.
Why Marketing Automation, SaaS and Individualization Go Hand in Hand
There is a lot of talk these days about personalization, or more precisely,
Revenue Dreaming: Build a Better Event
Focusing on subscriptions, renewals, and ad revenue is a tried and true recipe for success in the media industry. Increasing Revenue per Reader, however, requires a wil
Thinking Digital: What the NY Times Innovation Report Tells Us
There’s been a lot of buzz about the leaked NYT digital innovation report. And there should be.
The What and Why of User-Generated Content (UGC)
User-generated content is not new, but as a BtoB publisher, how much attention should you be giving it?
BtoB Blog Refresher: 7 Signs of a Successful Blog
By now, blogging is not a new medium, but it isn’t any less critical than it was before—for building traffic, boosting audience engagement and driving revenue. Le
Building an EVENTful Revenue Stream
If you haven’t already, it might be time to consider events as a revenue stream—or improving the events you already have in your quiver.
Six Reasons Buyers' Guides Should Be Part of Your Revenue Model
As a BtoB publisher, you know that revenue diversity is the key to success in our digital world. It’s no wonder that buyers' guides or directories are becoming an e
The State of Video, Right Now.
Even if you’re not in the world of publishing, it’s pretty easy to see that video plays an integral role in our online culture. What does that mean for toda
Best Practices: Measuring Content Strategy Success
Let's look at some of the big picture methods for measuring your content strategy’s health.
Publishing Incentives: Four Metrics that Count
It’s no secret that many publishers use performance incentives based on metrics also used to measure the suc
Are Your SEO Efforts Keeping Up? 4 Best Practices Will Pay Off
Earlier in the year, we shared a few tips SEO efforts for 2014. Now that the first quarter is over, it’
Four Hot Social Media Tactics to Build Traffic, Right Now
You know it, we know it, it seems like everybody knows it: you blink your eye and something has changed in social media. It’s hard to keep
Six Audience Personas You Can Use to Target New Customers
It’s one thing to know the value of audience personas. It’s another to actually come up with them.
What Publishers Should Ask About Responsive Design
The nature of responsive design will continue to evolve, but your content will always be at the heart of it. That’s why questions like this should be part of the conver
Social Media: Keys to Shareable BtoB
Social media is a likely a large component of your editorial and marketing strategies. Thinking about what makes your content shareable can really
BtoB Audience Personas: Four Tips for Publishers
BtoB publishing is its own animal and there are a few key points to remember when establishing and applying audience personas to your content mark
BtoB Individualization: Align Profile & Behavioral Data to be Relevant.
BtoB publishers talk a lot about driving traffic to their websites, and it’s true, increasing traffic is an important goal—but you don’t want your visitors to keep on driv
The What and Why of Revenue Per Reader (RPR)
Revenue Per Reader is a valuable metric because it is an important piece of the puzzle that describes where your business is right now. BUT, that&
Five Reasons Why Segmentation = Revenue
Data is only data, unless you do something with it. That’s why we start by using it to segment our audiences.
Back to Basics: Why and How Taxonomy Can Boost Revenue
Let’s step back for a moment and talk about the “little data”—better known as metadata or taxonomy.
Four Reasons Your Readers Will Love Behaviorally-Targeted Content
We’ve been talking about how behavior-based content can drive revenue and incr
4 Reasons Publishers Love Behaviorally-Targeted Content
Behavioral Content is content that responds to how readers interact with your website. But, it’s more than that.
SEO in 2014: 4 Tips for Publishers
You’ve probably heard a bit of buzz around SEO lately. Or maybe it̵
Four Key Tactics for Success with Native Advertising
Native Advertising is the new kid on the block. The sooner your introduce yourself, the sooner your will become friends.