New York Times Revenue Strategies Worth Watching
The New York Times recently announced new strategies for growth. Why is this relevant to a B2B publisher, or even a B2C publisher?
For B2B Publishers, “Big Data” = Deep Data
It’s not so much about the data being BIG (think volume) as much as it’s about the data being DEEP (think variety). Audience Data does bring unprecedented amounts
Video Content Marketing: Seven Tips for Success
The digital audience has a voracious appetite for video. Over 100 million Internet users watch online video daily. No wonder it’s become a critical component of ma
You Say Data, I Say BIG Data
As with many things digital, online publishing has opened up a lot of big possibilities to B2B and B2C publishers. Multiple delivery channels, an array of devices, social sha
LinkedIn for Lead Gen: A Microcosm for Your Overall Strategy . . . And Then Some
With over 2 million members worldwide and a growth pace that has new members joining at two per second, it’s only natural for publishers to integrate LinkedIn into thei
Why Email Marketing is Still Alive and Well
As a publisher, there is no question of the potential that social media holds for lead generation. But with any good marketing strategy, it’s important to find the bala
Key Tactics for Using Facebook in Your Lead Gen Strategy
This week, we continue our Lead Generation Series with a look at specific methods to help you generate more traffic, build brand, extend marketing reach and of course, genera
7 Ways Publishers Use Twitter for Lead Generation: Lead Gen Series, Chapter II
How do you get from simply tweeting content to identifying potential subscribers and customers, and nurturing relationships on Twitter? Many publishers are doing just t
Do You Need to be a Publisher and a Tech Company? Three Questions to Help You Decide.
There is no question that technology is now an integral part of publishing, as we have moved away from print and embraced various digital options. For many, the lines between technology co
Is Your Paywall Up to Snuff?
You want every part of your revenue strategy to fulfill it’s greatest potential. When we are talking strictly about paywalls, what works? By now, you know that paywalls are starting t
How to Make the Most of Your Lead Generation Potential, Chapter One: Generating Leads on Your Website
Why not use your website as the hub to deploy your lead generation tactics? As a publisher, lead generation (or lead gen) is more than likely an essential component of feeding your online a
Why Content Distribution Does Not Make a Content Marketing Strategy (and what does)
The terms content marketing, content distribution and content curation often get treated like the same thing. We hear a lot about content marketing these days, and rightfully so, if you are
Making Mobile Responsive Design a Reality
We are living in an increasingly mobile-centric world.. Ensure your readers are having a positive experience when accessing your content using a mobile device . . .
The Biggest Threat to Content Marketing Is . . .
Content is king, but as the content landscape turns into a content landslide, it might be worth adding a few qualifiers . . .
Harnessing Reader Comments for Greater Engagement
Commenting and review capabilities on your website hold a lot of potential for fostering a healthy, engaged audience. Treating your readers as participants is no longer a new concept and it
Should Reddit be Part of Your Publishing Strategy?
There is no doubt that Reddit is growing exponentially and has the ability perpetuate an influential, engaged culture . . .
4 Things Publishers Should Remember When Setting Off Down Resolution Road
Let’s look at four key things to keep in mind as you go about setting goals or making resolutions for this year . . .
Paywalls vs. Revenue Diversity: 5 Ways to Make More Money Online In Addition to Putting Up a Paywall
Pursuing additional revenue streams in addition to a paywall may be worthwhile to convert more visitors to customers, AND boost your bottom line. It’s a well-known fact that in order
How to Hit a Moving Target: What Google’s SEO Evolution Means to You
The nature of SEO is changing. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep track of how things are changing. As an online publisher, you know how important Search Engine Optimization is for deli
The QR Code: Passé or Pass It On?
When QR Codes first hit the scene they were touted as the lively contemporary version of the somewhat passé barcode, but . . .
Make the Most of Social Networking Without Wasting Time
The addictive quality of social networking can provide you with a powerful marketing advantage. When you log on to your social networks, do you suddenly feel as if you’ve entered a vo
Ebooks for Marketing: 10 Tips for Success
Ebooks are a proven method for increasing traffic and lead generation. They provide a simple benefit to potential customers and help to establish your credibility . . .
Mobile-Friendly vs. App Attack
There is no question that mobile needs to be part of your formula, but do you need to build your own app for mobile?
eCommerce and Multiple Revenue Streams
With solid eCommerce mechanisms in place, diversifying your revenue model becomes more a matter matching . . .
Digital Transformation is Not One Dimensional
Recent statistics serve as a good reminder that diversifying your revenue stream is a key strategy in making the transition to digital publishing . . .
Does Evernote Make Your Work Easier?
Evernote just announced that it is releasing a business version that will foster stronger sharing and collaboration . . .
News Reading Apps Only Growing; Influencing Content Strategy
There is a covey of news reading apps out there. As a publisher, it’s worthwhile to keep your eyes on this ball . . .
Tech Terms for the Technically Disinclined
Technically, you don’t have to be a tech head to keep up with the technology behind your website, online and mobile marketing and sales. But it does help
Why You Should Like the QR Code
You know something is here to stay when you see it tattooed on someone’s forearm—like the QR Code, for instance . .
Cloud Computing: 4 More Reasons Why CFOs Like the Cloud
It was only a matter of time before Google conducted its own study on the relationship between CFOs and cloud computing . . .
Read This: The Call To Action
A call to action is critical in audience engagement and lead generation. Is yours effective?
In Digital Publishing, Speed Brings Swift Lessons
Speed can be intimidating—and exhilarating. When it comes to online publishing, one often walks the line between the two . . .
Content is Community; so is Your Website
Online readers want to be part of the community that creates, generates and talks about the content that manages to stick with them . . .
Fresh Content Delivers, How Should You?
Updating content is the first step in generating more traffic. Where's the proof?
Publishing the Social Game
You don’t have to be a good hand at poker to realize that social gaming is a business opportunity. Is it a revenue builder for publishers? . . .
SaaS CMS: Changing the Way We Measure ROI
The adoption of the web CMS has become more common than not in publishing, based predominately on an ROI calculation that considers . . .
Data Matters in Digital Publishing
There is little doubt that big data has an increasing influence on digital publishing. The online environment is ideal . . .
Data Matters in Digital Publishing
There is little doubt that big data has an increasing influence on digital publishing. The online environment is ideal . . .
The Digital-First Publishing Strategy: It’s About Time
When it comes to content strategy, if digital -first or web-first isn’t rolling off your tongue just yet, it won’t be long . . .
Maximizing Value from Video – Applying Lessons from YouTube to (Indy) Business recently released a redesigned video page that delivers something for everyone . . .
Show Us Your Content: Getting a Grasp on Content Optimization
It’s easy for things to get complicated when you think about how to get your content in front of your audience . . .
Diversified Revenue Streams: Where is Your Paddle?
Have you built the foundation for diversifying your revenue streams? If you are a B-to-B publisher, you may ask yourself this question, especially after reading the results o
Does Pulse = Revenue for Publishers?
There is no question that the popular news app, Pulse holds a lot of potential for publishers in building brand awareness . . .
Building Revenue with Online Event Extensions
More and more publishers are leveraging online event extensions to get more revenue from their live events and increase audience engagement . . .
What PULSE Means for Publishers
Pulse has 13 million users and is one of 50 apps in the Apple App Store Hall of Fame. Over 250 publishers deliver news through Pulse, and there are about to be more . . . Relaunch Sets a High Standard for Grand View Media
Leading BtoB and BtoC publisher, Grand View Media Group, a division of EBSCO Industries, Inc. is positively aglow following the relaunch of The change tran
Moving Ahead of the Millennials
It’s important to understand the different generations that compose your audience, particularly the new generation of readers. You want to know what they value and how
Be Your Own Audience
In the online publishing world, we spend a lot of time trying to learn about our readers . . .